AWS Security Services – How to protect workloads on the cloud?


Organizations across industries are exploring the cloud for all the possibilities it offers to stay competitive and achieve business resilience. The multi-cloud approach is gaining popularity because of the cost benefits, flexibility, and technology benefits it offers. Security has been a major concern among organizations that are embracing the cloud. The annual Cloud Computing Survey of 2020 by Foundry, a non-profit cloud organization, found that security was a top challenge for organizations during cloud adoption, along with data security concerns and cloud cost optimization. IT Decision Makers prioritized security expertise and better cloud cost management. About 34% of organizations said they lacked the skills and expertise to secure data in the cloud.

A growing number of organizations are increasingly moving their critical workloads to the cloud, and security will be a critical factor during the migration. Cloud teams will have to take utmost care about the compliance requirements, API vulnerabilities, secure implementation of new applications and services on the cloud, and data backup during the migration process. The cloud teams must have the right skills and knowledge to ensure smooth and secure migration and operation. Organizations looking to strengthen their security posture on the cloud must invest in training and certification initiatives.

AWS is one of the leading cloud service providers offering customers a wide range of security services and tools. In this write-up, you will learn about the critical role of cloud security in modern organizations and get introduced to AWS’ security approach. This article is your best source if you are interested in exploring the various resources available for upskilling your team with AWS security training initiatives.