How to Prepare for the AWS SysOps Certification Exam?

If you are looking to validate your knowledge of the AWS cloud platform and want to pursue a career as a system administrator, the AWS SysOps certification exam can be an excellent opportunity to do so. The AWS SysOps Administrator Associate exam evaluates an individual's expertise in deploying, managing, and operating systems on the AWS platform.

However, preparing for the AWS SysOps exam can be challenging, especially if you are new to the AWS platform. But, with the right approach and resources, you can ace the exam and earn the certification.

In this article, we will discuss the steps you can take to prepare for the AWS SysOps certification exam and maximize your chances of success.

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1. Understand the Exam Format and Syllabus

Before you start preparing for the AWS SysOps exam, it is crucial to understand its format and syllabus. The exam comprises 65 multiple-choice and multiple-response questions that you have to answer within 130 minutes. The questions are designed to evaluate your knowledge of AWS services and features, deployment and management, and troubleshooting.

The exam syllabus covers a wide range of topics, including deployment, management, monitoring, and troubleshooting of AWS services. You need to familiarize yourself with each topic and understand its significance in the AWS ecosystem.

2. Build Practical Experience

The AWS SysOps exam is not just about memorizing concepts and theory. You also need to demonstrate your practical knowledge and expertise in deploying, managing, and troubleshooting AWS services and features.

To build practical experience, you can create a free AWS account and start experimenting with different AWS services and features. Try to implement different scenarios and use cases to gain hands-on experience.

3. Use AWS Documentation and Online Resources

AWS provides a vast collection of documentation, whitepapers, and online courses that can help you prepare for the SysOps exam. Use these resources to gain in-depth knowledge of different AWS services and features, best practices, and deployment and management techniques.

Some of the useful resources include AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Exam Guide, AWS whitepapers, AWS documentation, AWS Online Tech Talks, AWS re:Invent videos, and AWS FAQs.

4. Enroll in a SysOps Certification Course

Enrolling in an AWS SysOps certification course can provide you with a structured learning experience, access to expert guidance, and hands-on training. These courses cover the entire exam syllabus and provide you with practice tests to evaluate your progress.

Some of the popular SysOps certification courses include Linux Academy AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate, A Cloud Guru AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate, and Udemy AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate.

5. Practice with Sample Questions and Practice Tests

Practice is key to acing the AWS SysOps exam. You can find many online resources that offer sample questions and practice tests to evaluate your knowledge and prepare you for the exam's format and difficulty level.

You can find sample questions and practice tests on the AWS website, AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Exam Guide, AWS training partners' websites, and online forums.

6. Join Online Communities and Discussion Forums

Joining online communities and discussion forums can provide you with access to a network of AWS professionals who can share their experience and knowledge with you. These communities can also provide you with insights into the exam format, study resources, and best practices.

Some of the popular online communities and discussion forums include AWS Certification Forum, Reddit AWS, AWS User Groups, and LinkedIn AWS groups.


Preparing for the AWS SysOps certification exam requires a structured approach, dedication, and hard work. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can build practical experience, gain in-depth knowledge, and maximize your chances of success.